Monday, April 14, 2008

Kai's Book Review

Hey Crooklynites it's Kai and I have something for you ill readers to think about...

Crooklyn Chronicles is not only dedicated to delivering the goods on fashion and the hottest events, but bringing to light what’s going on in our lives (yours included). As young black women growing in the fashion industry and in a man’s world things can get pretty harsh. Improving ourselves and working on becoming strong women takes courage and willingness. As a 4th of the Crooklyn Chronicles team my focus is to simply acknowledge life and how to deal.
The first book featured deals with simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life. "Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff...and It’s All Small Stuff," written by Richard Carlson can easily be in alliance with the law of attraction craze, by which I am an avid follower. I took all the information in this book not only as a guide to life and how to deal with others, but also how to value myself and most importantly learning that life is not an emergency.


As people we don’t take enough time to understand others. So often we jump to conclusions, we automatically ignore other opinions and fight to be right. In some cases debating your side can be helpful but at times learning others view points can be more beneficial to both parties. Each chapter in this book goes in depth on how to become more patient, understanding, and appreciative.
If we could all learn the essential aspects of dealing with ourselves and others, life will become a lot easier. Although life is definitely not easy, I strongly recommend this book for those who are dealing with the struggles life brings or if you just want to improve yourself. My favorite chapter in this book was “See the Glass as Already Broken (and Everything Else Too)”. It just deals with a Buddhist teaching that if you look at life as a glass cup that will eventually break you can find peace and value each day. Making peace with the way things are can help you to develop a more positive thought process. So whether you just got fired, you broke up with a partner, or your just not where you want to be in life, the first step is accepting that and acknowledging not that your stuck but being grateful and taking the next progressive step.
I would like to end with the most important message this book has taught me. Relax, relax, relax. This word means so much more than just being calm, cool, or collected. Remaining relaxed is honestly a state of mind. Personally, I have the habit to assume and quite often live by the philosophy “I expect the best, but I am prepared for the worst”. This in turn gives me comfort in the worst and “prepares” me for negative results. I, like many others don’t realize at times that just by putting a negative thought into our minds we are entertaining the idea of that thought coming to light. Other chapters in this book, like Relax, Quiet the Mind, and Set Aside Quiet Time Everyday are extremely beneficial. I am an avid participant in self help anything. Changing your behavior and thinking is a process, but well worth it. I strongly recommend this book for young black women to assist in dealing with themselves and relationships.

Oh yeah Happy Birthday Mommy:)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for recommending this book. I am really enjoying it!