Friday, May 23, 2008

Dance Africa 2008!


(Pic courtesy of FLICKR)


It's BACK......Dance Africa in Fort Greene this weekend is where real Crooklynites need to be OKAY!

So WHAT if you didn't go to MIAMI for Memorial weekend! Just chill, take the nearest train to Atlantic and come on down and enjoy the company of great people, good food(Everybody know's I love to EAT) good music and of course INDIE DESIGNERS! So much will be going on down there, in fact I found in an event that's a SURE hot spot this Monday!


Habbana Outpost which sits in the heart of Da Greene and serves as a chill spot for all transcultralist,unconventionals, fashionistas, Eco-chic bredrens and Eclectic equillibrium's has an event, DO CHECK IT OUT!!!!!

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