Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tired of Junior's Cheesecake??

(Mr. Cake man)

If your not familiar with Cakeman Raven and it's 2008 something is obviously wrong, you must have been hiding under a rock! I went there yesterday and wondered why the hell isnt this cake shop already on my blog. I got a piece of red velvet cake for $6 which is very much worth it (trust me)! The cakes are so good often times their sold out in the middle of the day. Appointments for big occasions are sometimes hard to make but give it a try. Cakeman Raven, the cake extrodinare has done cakes for clients like Jay-z, Oprah, Robert Dinero, Yolanda Adams and so much more. It's worth a visit do stop by and tell them Crooklyn Chronicles sent you!
(That's the famous red velvet cake)
708-a Fulton St. Brooklyn New York 11217-1625 - 718.694.CAKE (2253)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this looks damn goood