Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'mma Vote OBAMA Way!


Today is truly history in the making. Barack Obama is the first black nominee officially running for the world's most powerful office. As a child of the art world I am quite fond of the social gap between politics and art, but there's something about OBAMA that's making everybody have a change of heart! After everything he's faced he's still going strong!!!! The most eclectic artichects of the art world are taking notice and supporting him too.Taz Arnold, one-third of the new hip-hop, funk and free-spirited group SA-RA made a ill record and video


The chorus is hilarious,
"F@#% what ya momma say, i'mma vote obama way. We hood, we votin and throwing it up."

*Sidenote- Hillary opened alot of doors for females in this country, you gotta give it up for her too !!!!!

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